About Me
Where it began
My passion for martial arts started in 1999, when I was 13 years old and attended my first Jujitsu lesson. I have since been doing martial arts for 21 years, this has seen me:
Become 2017 2x World Martial arts champion in creative self defence & realistic self defence, in Florida USA.
In 2018 I became 2x European champion in realistic self defence & creative weapon kata. I also won a silver medal in creative self defence in Liechtenstien.
In 2019 2x World martial arts champion in creative self defence & realistic self defence, in London.
I am the undefeated realistic self defence world & European champion. Due to covid and the pandemic, I have been unable to compete in any competitions.
My teaching career
I first started teaching marital arts in 2000, where I was assisting the higher grades at the children's classes.
Since then:
I became 4th Dan black belt in street self defence in December 2014.
I became a 5th Dan black belt in Japenese Jujitsu in August 2018.
I started teaching the adults & children's classes when I obtained my black belt in 2005.
Now I have been teaching martial arts for 16 years.